Projet de travail
ISO/WD 23817
Ships and marine technology — Ballast water management systems (BWMS)--Commissioning testing procedures for BWMS using electrolytic methods
Numéro de référence
ISO/WD 23817
Edition 1
Projet de travail
ISO/WD 23817
Un groupe de travail a préparé un projet.


This document provides the guidance to perform commissioning testing for ballast water management system (BWMS) using electrolytic methods following the installation on board a ship. It specifies the procedures for installation inspection, commissioning to test the BWMS, biological efficacy verification and training of crews, in order to verify the BWMS functions and operates properly.

Informations générales

  •  : Projet
    : Clôture de la période des observations [20.60]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 8
  • RSS mises à jour

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