ISO 20179:2005 specifies a method for the determination and quantification of microcystins in raw water (containing biomass) and treated water, such as tap water. The method described is validated for MCYST-RR, MCYST-YR, and MCYST-LR. It is also applicable for the determination of several structure variants of these microcystins, but an unambiguous identification cannot be made due to the lack of commercially available standards and due to co-elution.
Informations générales
État actuel: PubliéeDate de publication: 2005-10Stade: Clôture de l'examen [90.60]
Edition: 1
Comité technique :ISO/TC 147/SC 2ICS :13.060.50
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Cycle de vie
PubliéeISO 20179:2005
Les normes ISO sont réexaminées tous les cinq ans
Stade: 90.60 (En cours d'examen)