Committee Draft
ISO/CD 7010
Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Registered safety signs
Reference number
ISO/CD 7010
Edition 4
Committee Draft
ISO/CD 7010
A draft is being reviewed by the committee.
Will replace ISO 7010:2019


This document prescribes safety signs for the purposes of accident prevention, fire protection, health hazard information and emergency evacuation.

The shape and colour of each safety sign are according to ISO 3864‑1 and the design of the graphical symbols is according to ISO 3864‑3.

This document is applicable to all locations where safety issues related to people need to be addressed. However, it is not applicable to the signalling used for guiding rail, road, river, maritime and air traffic and, in general, to those sectors subject to a regulation which may differ with regard to certain points of this document and of the ISO 3864 series.

This document specifies the safety sign originals that can be scaled for reproduction and application purposes.

General information

  •  : Under development
    : CD approved for registration as DIS [30.99]
  •  : 4
  • ISO/TC 145/SC 2
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