Working draft
ISO/WD 25353
Textiles — Qualitative analysis proteomic analysis of protein fibres from leather — Peptide detection using MALDI-TOF MS
Reference number
ISO/WD 25353
Edition 1
Working draft
ISO/WD 25353
A working group has prepared a draft.


This document specifies a qualitative procedure to qualifying leather animal species of (fibrous) protein from leather by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer (MS). The composition of other fibres can be measured by methods described in the ISO 1833 series. Both results are then combined to determine the whole composition of fibres (see Annex C as an example of mixtures of (fibrous) protein from leather and polyester). The method is based on a preliminary identification, by light microscopy, of all fibres in a blend on the basis of their morphology, according to ISO/TR 11827.

General information

  •  : Under development
    : WD approved for registration as CD [20.99]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 38
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