This part of ISO 10303 specifies the abstract test methods for conformance testing of an implementation
of an ISO 10303 Application Protocol (AP). The scope is limited to the following implementation
— preprocessors that claim to generate 10303 schema instances represented as exchange structures as
defined by ISO 10303-21;
— postprocessors that claim to accept and process 10303 schema instances represented as exchange
structures as defined by ISO 10303-21;
— preprocessors that claim to generate 10303 schema instances and use the SDAI interface as
defined in ISO 10303-22 to populate an SDAI implementation with these schema instances;
— postprocessors that claim to accept 10303 schema instances and use the SDAI interface as defined
in ISO 10303-22 to extract schema instances from an SDAI implementation.
The following are within the scope of this part of ISO 10303:
— the conformance assessment process undertaken to evaluate the conformity of an implementation
of an ISO 10303 application protocol. The abstract test methods are independently applicable to
implementation methods based on ISO 10303-21 and ISO 10303-22;
— the methods to be followed by the testing laboratory using executable test cases (ETC). The
methods presented are abstract, that is, they are independent of the implementation under test (IUT).
The method descriptions cover the different steps from abstract test case (ATC) selection to test case
report production.
The following is outside the scope of this part of ISO 10303:
— the generation of executable test cases from abstract test cases. This part of ISO 10303 does not
include abstract test methods for conformance testing of application protocol independent
implementations of the Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) -- ISO 10303-22.
Общая информация
Текущий статус: ОпубликованоДата публикации: 2001-02Этап: Подтверждение действия международного стандарта [90.93]
Версия: 1
Технический комитет :ISO/TC 184/SC 4ICS :25.040.40
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ОпубликованоISO 10303-34:2001
Стандарт, который пересматривается каждые 5 лет
Этап: 90.93 (Подтверждено)-
Предварительная стадия
Стадия, связанная с внесением предложения
Подготовительная стадия
Стадия, связанная с подготовкой проекта комитета
Стадия, связанная с рассмотрением проекта международного стандарта
Стадия, на которой осуществляется принятие стандарта
Стадия, на которой осуществляется публикация
Стадия пересмотра
Стадия, на которой осуществляется отмена стандарта