Study shows that ISO’s quality management system (QMS) is an effective support tool promoting administrative reform in state administrative agencies.
Designed with members, for members.
Seventy years after the first issue, the ISO member for Serbia, ISS, has given the Standardization bulletin a 21st-century revamp.
A case study by the Singapore Standards Council shows how standards improve transparency, quality and trust in the bunkering industry.
The ISO member for Italy, UNI, is celebrating a century of making the world better.
The ISO member for Austria has gone virtual with this year’s awards for excellence through standards.
ISO announced today that Ulrika Francke from Sweden has been elected as the next ISO President, following voting by the ISO member bodies. She will take up the position in January 2022 at the completion …
The ISO member for Lebanon, LIBNOR, is putting standards and collaboration at the heart of rebuilding Beirut’s port area following a devastating accident.
ISO member Austrian Standards International (ASI) are celebrating their 100th birthday!
The DIN Consumer Council has high hopes for a new standard that protects consumers and helps them get the most from their purchases.