ISO 4582:2017 specifies methods to determine changes in colour and other appearance properties, and variations in mechanical or other properties, of plastics that have been exposed to glass-filtered solar radiation, to natural weathering or to simulated solar radiation from a laboratory source. The procedure used to analyse data depends on whether the test used to characterize the materials being exposed is destructive or non-destructive. The exposures are conducted under conditions described in specific exposure standards.
Informations générales
État actuel: PubliéeDate de publication: 2017-08Stade: Norme internationale à réviser [90.92]
Edition: 4
Comité technique :ISO/TC 61/SC 6ICS :83.080.01
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ISO/DIS 4582
ISO/DIS 4582
Plastiques — Détermination des changements de coloration et des variations de propriétés après exposition au rayonnement solaire derrière une vitre en verre, au vieillissement naturel ou aux sources de rayonnement de laboratoire
Cycle de vie
AnnuléeISO 4582:2007
Sera remplacée par
ProjetISO/DIS 4582