Proyecto de trabajo
ISO/WD TS 22265
Quick Release Couplers Best Practices — Correct installation, use and maintenance suggested guidelines
Reference number
ISO/WD TS 22265
Edition 1
Proyecto de trabajo
ISO/WD TS 22265
Un grupo de trabajo ha preparado un borrador.


This ISO TS does not pretend to override and/or cancel all the instructions and suggestions that are issued and published by individual manufacturers of Quick Release Couplings (QRC), but to give an official ISO-standardized basic guidelines (ISO TS) that can be cited by the manufacturers themselves in site of preliminary negotiations with customers, cited in the respective catalogues, cited in the respective drawings and also the specific product instructions that each manufacturer is issuing on their websites or traditional paper stamped.

Informaciones generales

  •  : En desarrollo
    : Cierre del periodo de observaciones [20.60]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 131/SC 4
  • RSS actualizaciones

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