Reference number
ISO 4280:1977
International Standard
ISO 4280:1977
Cryolite, natural and artificial, and aluminium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of sulphate content — Barium sulphate gravimetric method
Edition 1
ISO 4280:1977
No disponible en español
Publicado (Edición 1, 1977)
Esta publicación se revisó y confirmó por última vez en 2020. Por lo tanto, esta versión es la actual.

ISO 4280:1977

ISO 4280:1977
CHF 43
Convertir Franco suizo (CHF) a tu moneda


Applicable to products having a content, expressed as sulphur trioxide, equal to or more than 0.1 % (m/m). Bases on alkaline fusion of a test portion with a mixture of sodium carbonate and boric acid. Extraction of the fused mass with perchloric acid solution and precipitation of the sulphate ions with barium chloride in an acidified medium. Filtration on a fine-texture, ashless filter paper (pore diameter approximately 0.4 to 1.0 m). Calcination after drying in an electric oven at (850 20) °C. Weighing of the residue.

Informaciones generales

  •  : Publicado
     : 1977-11
    : Norma Internacional confirmada [90.93]
  •  : 1
     : 3
  • ISO/TC 226
  • RSS actualizaciones

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