Subcomité | Título de subcomité | Normas publicadas | Normas en desarrollo |
ISO/TC 268/SC 1 | Smart community infrastructures | 19 | 6 |
ISO/TC 268/SC 2 | Sustainable cities and communities - Sustainable mobility and transportation | 18 | 7 |
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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 268 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Sustainable cities and communities — Vocabulary
90.92 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Vocabulary
30.60 |
Sustainable development in communities — Management system for sustainable development — Requirements with guidance for use
90.93 | |
Sustainable development in communities — Management system for sustainable development — Requirements with guidance for use — Amendment 1: Climate action changes
60.60 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Transforming our cities — Guidance for practical local implementation of ISO 37101
90.93 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Descriptive framework for cities and communities
90.20 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Guidance on establishing smart city operating models for sustainable communities
95.99 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Guidance on establishing smart city operating models for sustainable communities
60.60 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Maturity model for smart sustainable communities
90.93 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Business districts — Guidance for practical local implementation of ISO 37101
60.60 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Recommendations and requirements for project developers — Meeting ISO 37101 framework principles
60.60 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Management requirements and recommendations for open data for smart cities and communities — Overview and general principles
60.60 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Urban settlements — Guidance for a flexible approach to phased implementation of ISO 37101
60.60 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Case studies in how smart city operating models support an effective public-health emergency response
60.60 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Guidance for managing a public-health emergency response in smart city operating models
60.60 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Appraisal framework for datasets and data processing methods that create urban management information
50.00 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Use Cases on Net Zero Carbon Cities Pathways
20.99 |
Sustainable cities and communities — Disaster risk finance — Principles and general requirements for financing ex-ante investment in risk reduction
30.99 |
Sustainable cities and communities — Requirements and guidance for sustainable goods and services related to harbour cities
20.20 |
Sustainable cities and communities — Survey and best practices of integrated citizen-centric services
10.99 |
Sustainable development of communities — Indicators for city services and quality of life
95.99 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Indicators for city services and quality of life
90.93 | |
Sustainable development in communities — Inventory of existing guidelines and approaches on sustainable development and resilience in cities
60.60 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Indicators for smart cities
90.93 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Indicators for resilient cities
90.20 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Guidance on the use of ISO 37120, ISO 37122 and ISO 37123
60.60 | |
Sustainable cities and communities — Environmental, social and governance (ESG) indicators for cities
60.60 | |
Sustainable cities and communities – Case studies for AI applications in smart city operating models
10.99 |
Smart Cities Reference Architecture (SCRA)
10.99 |
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