Filtrar :
Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 46/SC 8 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
International library statistics
95.99 | |
Information and documentation — International library statistics
95.99 | |
Information and documentation — International library statistics
95.99 | |
Information and documentation — International library statistics
95.99 | |
Information and documentation — International library statistics
95.99 | |
Information and documentation — International library statistics
60.60 | |
Information and documentation — Determination of price indexes for books and serials purchased by libraries
95.99 | |
Information and documentation — Determination of price indexes for print and electronic media purchased by libraries
90.93 | |
Information and documentation — Statistics on the production and distribution of books, newspapers, periodicals and electronic publications
95.99 | |
Information and documentation — Statistics on the production and distribution of books, newspapers, periodicals and electronic publications
90.60 | |
Information and documentation - Qualitative conditions and basic statistics for library buildings — Space, function and design
60.60 | |
Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
95.99 | |
Information and documentation — Library performance indicators — Amendment 1: Additional performance indicators for libraries
95.99 | |
Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
95.99 | |
Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
95.99 | |
Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
60.60 | |
Information and documentation — Statistics and quality issues for web archiving
60.60 | |
Information and documentation — Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries
90.93 | |
Impact assessment for museums
40.60 | |
International museum statistics
90.93 | |
Information and documentation — Performance indicators for electronic library services
95.99 | |
Information and documentation — Key indicators for museums
60.60 | |
Information and documentation — Quality assessment for national libraries
90.93 | |
Information and documentation — International archives statistics
60.60 | |
Archives performance indicators
20.00 |
International statistics for school libraries
20.00 |
Information and documentation — Performance indicators for national libraries
60.60 |
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